my family

Monday, February 22, 2010


Last week i got some really great news. My hubby will be home in about 2 weeks!!! AHHHH I'm so excited i could SCREAM!! I'm so ready for him to be home with us. Lately, Crew, Charlie, and Ryder, have all been pushing my buttons. And let me tell you, they KNOW which buttons to push. But usually when they are pushing my buttons, it turns out to be really FUNNY. Like when Crew decided to "Bath" himself. He dumped out 2 bottles of lotion, a tube of desitin, and KY massage oil. He was so PROUD! It made a great memory and a funny picture that i'll always have.

This one is about Ryder. He loves to jump in bed with Crew in the morning and lick him until he wakes up. It's super CUTE. Well, Crew was in his room laughing Hysterically so i decided to go investigate, (those who have 2 yr. olds will understand why) I walk in his bedroom and Ryder is laying in Crews bed with a Binky in his mouth! So i ran into my room and got a picture before he jumped out. Then i later discovered when i was putting Crew to bed, that Ryder Peed in Crews bed. But all i could do was laugh at the fact that Ryder had a binky in his mouth.


  1. I literally laughed out loud when I opened up the photo of Ryder!!! That is TOO funny!!!

  2. Haha I love it! I seriously can't believe how much Crew looks like you!! Its so fun to have a little Jordy runnin around haha. But I agree We have so much to catch up on,its been forever since I have seen you! plus I want to meet your little guy!
