my family

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cute Story

After John got home from work, we were all playin on the couch. Crew and John were wrestling and I was in the middle of it. Crew kept squeeling and bein a ham. Well, when he would scream, I would blow air into his mouth and he would laugh. Somehow, John got hit in the nose with Crews forehead, and he got hit HARD! I heard it pop. As I'm trying to make sure John is okay, crew says : "you need a band-aid!" He runs to the closet gets out the neosporin and a butterfly shaped band-aid. When he returns, he opens the tube of neosporin, squeezes it on Johns nose; opens the band-aid and puts it on Johns nose just right (with my help of course!) Then he says : "all better!"

That wasn't enough though. He ran back to the closet and got another band-aid, made me put neosporin on his nose and then the band-aid. He wanted to be just like his daddy.

Crew is truly the light of my life! There is never a dull moment. :D

Monday, August 2, 2010


So, I've had a very interesting day. Crew woke up this morning bright eyed and bushy 6 am!! He watched cartoons, ate breakfast and we took John to work. I made Crew lay down for a nap and he slept from 8-11am. I cleaned the house, showered, things i can't do when Crew is awake.

Crew wakes up from his nap and says "mom i go poop" So i take him to the bathroom, get him situated and let him have his privacy cause he was pooping. Or so I thought. 5 minutes pass by and he yells for me to wipe him. I walk into the bathroom to see poop all over the walls, all over him, and all over the floor. It was awful. So i go to get him off the potty and put him in the shower and he wipes poop in my hair!! We both shower, I scrub the bathroom. The worst of the day was over. Wrong again. I feed Crew lunch, i'm just kinda bummin around because i was tired. Crew comes up to me and says:

"mom i sick"

Me- "what's wrong?"

Crew- "i cold"

So as I'm about to pick him up to see what's wrong, he gets this death look on his face and....THROWS UP ALL OVER!! It's all over my lap, runs down my legs, all over him, the floor and the chair. I almost throw up, but i hold it down. So we both get in the shower, for the 3rd time today. It has been a very interesting day and it's only 3pm. I can only hope it gets better because if i have to clean up another mess like that i don't know if i can do it. Oh the joys of being a mommy. :D