my family

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


4 weeks ago, Crew started preschool. The first week was a little rough. He would cry when I left, but as soon as he couldn't see me anymore he stopped crying and started to play with the other kids. Little stinker just wanted me to feel bad! I've seen quite a change in him the last 2 weeks. He's learned his ABC's, a bunch of songs, and can even understand some japanese. His teachers send home the school work they do every 2 weeks and it just amazes me. He knows alot more than I think he does. He's not a big fan on coloring so I need to work with him on that. He'd rather be running around. His teachers are amazing and he just loves them so much. I was a little hesitant at first because they are very strict with the kids, but after the first 2 weeks Crew was so respectful and started to listen the FIRST time I told him to do something. He's still 2 and has his bad days, but for the most part he's such a good kid. His being in school has been such a good thing for him. I want him to be outgoing and love school. I want him to love school and love to learn. I hated school and it was such a tough thing for me, and I don't him to hate school. I also benefit him being in school :) I can get the house clean without his "help". I can run the dogs in the morning, go for coffee with my bestie Julie, and get my errands done in half the time. School is great!

Monday, October 4, 2010

The last 6 weeks....

I haven't blogged in so long I don't know where to start. Not alot of exciting things have happened.

John left for his deployment 6 weeks ago today. It has gone by fast, but I feel like I haven't seen him forever. My heart swells with pride when I think about him. He has made so many sacrifices for us and our country. He does his job with out hesitating and is there to answer the call of duty. In a few short words to describe him i'd have to say, HE IS AMAZING. I've never known anyone like him (except my dad). Crew started school 2 weeks ago and he absolutely loves it. He has learned so much already. His teachers talk to him in japanese and he can answer them back in english. It's incredible. I don't know what I would do without that little guy. He's my rock when John is gone.

My dogs are driving me crazy lol but that's not new. :) Charlie is over weight so she has to be on weight control formula. She hates it. So, she started to throw it up. My dog is bulemic! (spell check?) I'm a softy so I put her back on normal food, and I just walk her longer than usual. Ryder is growing in strides and I don't know how much longer he's gonna fit in our house. I love my furry butts...even though they are a pain sometimes. :)

Halloween is right around the corner and Crew is so excited. He's going to be Iron Man this year. Iron Man is his idol. He looks so dang cute in his costume it's ridiculous. I decided to be fun this year, and dress up too. I'm gonna be a 1920's gangster :)

So what else?? I've been feeling like crap for weeks and cannot figure out why. I get enough sleep, i'm on my meds, i've taken 2 pregnancy tests that were negative. I'm tired and sick to my stomach every day. Not all day, it comes and goes. It's driving my crazy!! I should probalby call the Dr. :) That's it for now.